SpringRole to Address Key Issues of the Employee Verification Process

Updated on Jun 7, 2018 at 9:24 pm UTC by · 4 min read

Serial entrepreneur and advisor Rick Marini talked to Coinspeaker about why a decentralized platform SpringRole is set to disrupt professional profile verification and attestation.

SpringRole is a new blockchain-powered network aimed at solving the main challenges of the hiring and validation processes. Currently, more than half of CV’s contain false information, what causes a major problem for employers. Reference check is a time consuming and expensive process, while using existing attestation systems is risky as they are prone to fraud attacks.

With SpringRole, users will be able to easily check the validity of provided data, while candidates will be able to create and share verified resumes on the platform. This is a revolutionary project which is set to build trust between companies and people.

Coinspeaker: “What’s the most exciting thing about being an advisor to SpringRole?”

Rick Marini: I was introduced to SpringRole by Peter Pham. When I met Kartik and heard the vision for SpringRole’s professional profile, I immediately saw the need for this type of service on the blockchain. SpringRole is addressing a big opportunity – they are the first mover and best positioned to be the leader in this category on the blockchain.”

Coinspeaker: “Why does SpringRole look promising to you? In what way the company stands out?”

Rick Marini: There has always been the classic jobseeker- employer problem where authenticity and trust are major issues. Using a trusted block-chain based identity system, SpringRole solves this issue. They are building an attestation protocol for verification powered by the blockchain. They actually have a reason to be on the blockchain. Also, they already have a live beta on the mainnet which puts SpringRole ahead of competitors.”

Coinspeaker: “Can you state a few compelling aspects of SpringRole’s technology and the business model?”

Rick Marini: The most compelling aspect of the SpringRole technology is that the data control will lie in the hands of the users. That’s a game changer, especially right now. Another strength is that the token usage has been thought through and built into the protocol from ground up. This system redefines the traditional points system by making the tokens redeemble not only on SpringRole platform, but also beyond that. This is the kind of open economics we all want.”

Coinspeaker: “According to you what are some challenges Springrole might face and how do you advise the company to prepare for them?”

Rick Marini: Established global players like Linkedin and Facebook are showing interest in blockchain and that reiterates the fact that blockchain technology is going to be a serious gamechanger in the near future. SpringRole should focus on building their user base soon before the larger networks make their moves. The first movers advantage could prove hugely valuable for the company.”

Coinspeaker: “What do you think about SpringRole’s GTM plan?”

Rick Marini: SpringRole has a unique proposition with their development office being in Bangalore, India. India is one of the fastest growing technology ecosystems with ample resources to support the company’s growth. This gives the company an important competitive advantage for access to great talent, scalability and low cost infrastructure.”

Coinspeaker: “In your view, what’s your prediction of the Blockchain and Crypto industry for 2018-2020?”

Rick Marini: I believe we are at the early days of blockchain technology, very much like the Internet in 1992. The blockchain world is basically still on dial-up modems with only a handful of projects that will make it. We have not even seen the equivalent of Google or Amazon for blockchain – they may take several years. But this will be worth the efforts, the capital and the failures to get there. I think by 2020, blockchain technology will be ubiquitous. Countless industries will be disrupted and all of this will look obvious. But we still have 3-4 years of hard work ahead to make that a reality. But I believe that we will get there!”

Coinspeaker: “Do you believe SpringRole will reach the same success as one of the companies use started – BranchOut, which got 800MM users?”

Rick Marini: BranchOut set a high bar but that number is achievable as more and more people start to see the power and value of blockchain. Having a safe, secure professional identity, driven by the blockchain, is a very big opportunity. I would love to see SpringRole reach 1 billion and beyond!”


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