Dr. Kaiming Liu
Founder & Chairman
MusicLife is a blockchain-based music ecosystem. It is comprised of Software Development Kit, a hard...
MusicLife is a blockchain-based music ecosystem. It is comprised of Software Development Kit (SDK), a hardware embedded system and a Music Exchange trading program. For music connected to MusicLife, we have rebuilt the way pricing is comprised. Users will automatically invest in music by listening to songs. In turn, the musician and the record company will also benefit from each play. MusicLife has established a brand-new environmental pricing format, where prices and market values will be automatically calculated and evaluated based on the existence of music listeners. A part of the music shares will also automatically go to the users who purchased the song. MusicLife seeks to help the current music industry and break the deadlock between copyright infringement and piracy. With this in mind, it will truly benefit every aspect of the music industry. MusicLife is operated by the Singapore-based non-profit organisation MusicLife Foundation and the Japanese company MusicLife Co. Ltd.
Enter the key features of the IEO
Jun 17th, 2019 12:00 pm (UTC)
Jun 18th, 2019 12:00 am (UTC)
30 000 USD
6 000 000 000MITC
1 MITC = 0.000167 USD
1 MITC = 0.01 USD
MusicLife Foundation
James Murphy, founder and chairman of Murphy & McGonigle, said he wouldn’t settle any crypto case with the current SEC before seeing how the election turns out.
The Binance Launchpad will host a public sale for VOXEL on the 14th of December.
Registrations for the Centrifuge protocol token sale have started and live up to May 21st. Check the below details on registerations and timelines.