0chain is a 0-cost superfast, decentralized cloud for dApps on any current platform to perform micro transactions and store data. Fast, free & flexible dCloud for everyone. As the world transforms to a tokenized economy, there is a need for an efficient scalable protocol for typical web, enterprise, and IoT applications. 0chain provides a zero-cost, fast finality, infinitely scalable blockchain for web and IoT applications, essentially providing a zero-cost decentralized cloud. 0chain enables current dApps to move their off-chain code and data onto our 2 decentralized compute and storage platform. Its self-forking feature enables different verticals and applications to fine-tune their needs create separate chains without worrying about the integrity of the blockchain. Unlike a traditional cloud subscription model, dApps need to lock 0chain tokens to use the blockchain, more like a bank CD for a free scalable cloud, and as more 3 applications use our network, 0chain will grow in its intrinsic value and integrity.
Let us find out what are common stocks in this guide and go deep into their types, benefits, and risks, as well as see how is common stock calculated and reflected on the balance sheet.
TerraUSD (UST) appeared as a stablecoin that intends to benefit users and the community at large. The guide provides detailed description of the coin and explains the advantages of UST over alternative stablecoins.