SwissBorg is a meriotocratic network inspired by the decentralised governance concept of the DAO project and the reward model used by Steemit. SwissBorg is a decentralized wealth management platform managed by a team of 90+ years experience from private banking all the way to the Wall Street. We strongly believe in community-centric values, where individuals, institutions and DAOs will benefit from a democratic, transparent and trustworthy investment platform. Thanks to our expertise experience in hedge-funds management, algorithmic/quantitative trading, our investment team will actively manage your crypto-wealth with best-of-breed technologies (blockchain and AI).
To enlighten our readers on certain underlying crypto technologies, this guide brings a vivid review of a very efficient instrument and a backbone to IoT that records the exchange of machine-to-machine transactions, Iota.
Here’s a guide on all you need to know about exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and what it takes to choose the right ETF eliminating all the related risks.