Full Review of Instagram Reels Feature | Coinspeaker
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Full Review of Instagram Reels Feature

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by Adedamola Bada · 5 mins read
Full Review of Instagram Reels Feature
Photo: Facebook

Since newly launched Instagram Reels seems to have many similarities with a competitor social media giant TikTok, in this guide, we’d like to explain what Instagram Reels brings to the market in comparison with the latter.

Facebook Inc continues to remain one of the most widely sought-after social media platforms. Its newly launched Instagram Reels seems similar to the controversial media platform TikTok as they share many similarities. It remains to be seen whether the new offering will give their competitors a run for their money.

These social media platforms focus on a market with youths in the age of 13 to around 24 as its major users, while account holders above this age often feel lost as the trends and videos most times do not resonate with their interests in terms of entertainment. This guide explains what Instagram Reels brings to the market in comparison with TikTok.

Instagram Reels and What It Has to Offer

Video editing seemed like a daunting task on desktops back then before the arrival of smartphones. However, the invention of social media apps like TikTok and Instagram has eased the stress involved in editing by designing their apps in an easy to use way with simple taps and swipes making the desired effect.

Some features available on both platforms are:

  • Video making features (photo and video filters with several tutorials available, easy access to the music library and music editing options)
  • Ease of access to current Instagram account holders.

All these features make it easy for both new and existing users to generate posts in a small time frame using Reels.

Choosing the name Reel for this feature on Instagram seems to resonate with what it has to offer with its similarities to a highlight reel of a video or a compilation of several clips from the same or different movies.

How It Works

Making Reels

Tapping on Reels at the bottom of the Instagram photo feature. A number of intuitive photo modifying tools pops up from a left sidebar on the screen to start making the reel which includes:

  • Audio: Instagram provides several songs to choose from to make a highlight reel. Users are also allowed to select from their local library by making a reel with it. Users who make reels with songs from their library are credited once the video is made and recording reels with a public profile allows other users to make use of your audio by picking “Use Audio” from your list of recordings.
  • AR Effects: The effects gallery provides a lot of options to bring your reels to life. Instagram and several other social media apps include these filters to give pictures realistic and colorful effects after uploading.
  • Timer and Countdown: The timer feature allows users to position their phones and make reels hands free. Clicking on the timer automatically begins a countdown from 3 and users are also allowed to change the time as desired.
  • Align: Recordings can be made separately and sequentially aligned into one reel for several highlights such as position change, outfit change, or inclusion of several other individuals to the video.
  • Speed: Speed can be increased or decreased to achieve the desired motion effects for a part of the video and this can be used to maintain rhythm in a song.

There are several ways by which reels can be made which include; selecting recorded videos from the local library or making clips one or all at a time. Clicking and holding on to the capture button helps to start a new reel and a progress bar pops up to indicate recording time. Removing your hand from the capture button stops the reel.

Sharing Video Recordings

Reels provides a new way for people to share experiences and memories with a larger community on the web and these videos are communicated by sharing and reposting.

  • For users with a Public Profile: Users can engage with their audience by posting reels to their handle where it can be viewed, commented, and reposted by a larger Instagram body. There is also the possibility of sharing content with your friends by uploading it to your profile. Reels that are uploaded with extras such as music, filters, or hashtags can be located by searching for those reels with certain tags or songs on the platform.
  • For users with a Private Profile: While several posts from unknown users can be viewed on the platform, Reel allows users to manage their privacy on the platform by limiting viewers on their feed to only people following their page. These users are called Friends on their platform.

Once a reel has been made, jump to the share tab where videos can be saved, cover images can be modified, taglines and descriptions can be added. After uploading contents, it can be located in the Reels section of your profile, where your followers can go to check out all your reels. Sharing to your main profile means it is accessible by all although this can be removed by choice.

Regardless of the type of account, be it public or private, Reels recorded are uploaded to your story and can be viewed by anyone.
