Bridge digital currency exchanges around the world and realize investors’ cross-exchange trading, cross-exchange clearing, deposits and withdrawals among different digital currencies and assets.

Improve trading efficiency and performance of exchanges and realize the market-oriented distribution of digital currencies’ liquidity and best price offers.

First, bridge the exchanges in terms of trading, deposits, withdrawals and clearing through agreements among digital currency exchanges and make the mechanism and rules of interconnection and interwork. Soon afterwards, build Exchange Union Chain and realize the full interconnection among digital currency exchanges through blockchain technique.

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ICO’s Details

  • ICO Opening Date:

    To be announced

  • ICO Closing Date:

    To be announced

  • Symbol:


  • Blockchain Type:


  • Platform:



James Wo - Founder& Chairman
Terry Culver - Vice Dean for Development
Mikael Wang - Former CTO of BTCC
William Hou - Former vice president of AJ Securities


Brendan Eich - Father of the JavaScript
Paul Chou - Co-founder & CEO of LedgerX
Sathvik Vishwanath - Co-founder & CEO of Unocoin
Sunny Ray - Co-founder & President of Unocoin

Disclosure: This page is created to provide market intelligence. This is not investment advice and does not constitute any solicitation or endorsement of any investment. Any investment you make is done at your own risk and at your full and absolute discretion.

Initial Offering News