Biden’s Crypto Softening Could Impact Ripple’s Legal Battle with SEC, Expert Says
James Murphy, founder and chairman of Murphy & McGonigle, said he wouldn’t settle any crypto case with the current SEC before seeing how the election turns out.
Filecoin is a decentralized storage network, powered by a blockchain and a native token
Filecoin is a decentralized storage network that turns cloud storage into an algorithmic market. The market runs on a blockchain with a native protocol token (also called “Filecoin”), which miners earn by providing storage to clients. Conversely, clients spend Filecoin hiring miners to store or distribute data. As with Bitcoin, Filecoin miners compete to mine blocks with sizable rewards, but Filecoin mining power is proportional to active storage, which directly provides a useful service to clients (unlike Bitcoin mining, whose usefulness is limited to maintaining blockchain consensus).
Thu, Aug 10th, 2017 12:00 AM
Sun, Sep 10th, 2017 12:00 AM
Friedel Ziegelmayer
Matt Zumwalt
Jeromy Johnson
Lars Gierth
Jakub Sztandera
Victor Bjelkholm
David Dias
Nicola Greco
Skylar Norris
Jesse Clayburgh
Hector Sanjuan
Juan Benet
Disclosure: This page is created to provide market intelligence. This is not investment advice and does not constitute any solicitation or endorsement of any investment. Any investment you make is done at your own risk and at your full and absolute discretion.
James Murphy, founder and chairman of Murphy & McGonigle, said he wouldn’t settle any crypto case with the current SEC before seeing how the election turns out.
The Binance Launchpad will host a public sale for VOXEL on the 14th of December.
Registrations for the Centrifuge protocol token sale have started and live up to May 21st. Check the below details on registerations and timelines.