Biden’s Crypto Softening Could Impact Ripple’s Legal Battle with SEC, Expert Says
James Murphy, founder and chairman of Murphy & McGonigle, said he wouldn’t settle any crypto case with the current SEC before seeing how the election turns out.
Peerion leverages blockchain technology and smart contracts to create a unique mashup of ecommerce and social media with a gaming...
Peerion helps people grow in a secure but fun and interactive environment that is mechanized through decentralization, community consensus, and autonomy. Using blockchain technology to provide a trust less free market ecosystem by leveraging smart contracts for autonomously managed peer-to-peer interactions. This creates a “smart market” within a decentralized network. Powered by a customized blockchain using a unique Proof-of-Passion algorithm, this will reward masternodes known as Mitochondria based on uptime and reputation, instead of wealth (Proof-of-Stake) or advanced hardware (Proof-of-Work). This enables the ecosystem to remain balanced and fair while providing a stable network for peers.
Sat, Dec 1st, 2018 12:00 AM
Fri, Apr 19th, 2019 12:00 AM
Sat, Apr 20th, 2019 12:00 AM
Tue, Dec 31st, 2019 12:00 AM
Jeremy Klein - Founder & Project Leader
Matthew Klapper - Brand Architect & Design Lead
Carl Bonafede - Content Curator
Gina Diamantidis - Market Research Analyst
Jaroslaw Kijko - Business Development
Robert Mapstead - Director of Gamification & Data Science
Jt Clough - Marketing Director
Vivek Singh - Lead Blockchain Developer
Caterina Ferrara - ICO Advisor
Ryuhei Matsuda - Blockchain Advisor
Rumeel Hussain - Blockchain Advisor
Abraham Yepremian - Technical Advisor
Akshat Doshi - Technical Advisor
Paddy O'Sullivan - Blockchain Advisor
Disclosure: This page is created to provide market intelligence. This is not investment advice and does not constitute any solicitation or endorsement of any investment. Any investment you make is done at your own risk and at your full and absolute discretion.
James Murphy, founder and chairman of Murphy & McGonigle, said he wouldn’t settle any crypto case with the current SEC before seeing how the election turns out.
The Binance Launchpad will host a public sale for VOXEL on the 14th of December.
Registrations for the Centrifuge protocol token sale have started and live up to May 21st. Check the below details on registerations and timelines.