Biden’s Crypto Softening Could Impact Ripple’s Legal Battle with SEC, Expert Says
James Murphy, founder and chairman of Murphy & McGonigle, said he wouldn’t settle any crypto case with the current SEC before seeing how the election turns out.
4th generation blockchain brings this technology to a complete primary production application, and expand current business-oriented offer in terms of...
Multiversum offers complex data organization instead of data sequencing, chain splitting and rejoining to allow for greater scalability and parallelism, and the concept of Proof of Integrity validation (i.e. cryptographic proof of server code) instead of existing Proof of Work or Proof of Stake solutions. Furthermore, Multiversum will feature ERC20/ERC23 integration, allowing coins and tokens from other solutions to be hosted on our chain and vice-versa, with notary services as an external confirmation method. Meanwhile, together with these innovations, we are certainly going to make use of several good solutions that our colleagues already implemented over time.
Thu, Mar 1st, 2018 12:00 AM
Sat, Mar 31st, 2018 12:00 AM
Mon, Apr 16th, 2018 12:00 AM
Sun, Jun 10th, 2018 12:00 AM
Andrea Taini - Founder, Technology
Michele Roscelli - Co-founder, Infrastructure & Integration
Matteo Monti - Co-founder, Social Media & Marketing
Matteo Peterlini - Co-founder, Art Director
Etienne Tomaselli - Frontend & Mobile Developer
Ivan Zaccaron - Frontend Developer & Infrastructure
Andrea Di Michele - Backend Developer
Tamás Györfi - Developer
David Pelayo - Developer
Peter Foulkes - Infrastructure & Technical Support
Simone Costa - Operations Management
Vanessa Balloni - Marketing & Communications
Lorenzo Giacomini - Marketing & Communications
Simone Trifiletti - Crypto-community Expert
Alessio di Mario - Social Media Management
Christian Viola - Digital marketing & Web Analytics Manager
Giuseppe Gottardi - Technical Advisor
Marco Baldi - Scientific Advisor
Emanuele Frontoni - Scientific Advisor
Michele Orzan - Global Strategic Advisor
Tobias Ratschiller - Advisors Director
Henry Monzon - Advisor
Reuben Godfrey - Advisor
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James Murphy, founder and chairman of Murphy & McGonigle, said he wouldn’t settle any crypto case with the current SEC before seeing how the election turns out.
The Binance Launchpad will host a public sale for VOXEL on the 14th of December.
Registrations for the Centrifuge protocol token sale have started and live up to May 21st. Check the below details on registerations and timelines.