Relest ICO (Initial Coin Offering) | Coinspeaker
LightChain is a real estate rental auction platform. Landlords post their listings and tenants place bids for renting this property. Apart from placing auction lots, it is possible to place an ordinary advertisements there. The platform consists of the web-site and applications for Android and iOS. The system includes functions for calculating the trip time from the rented real estate to the tenant’s desired location (e.g. the place of work), calculating an optimal real estate price (based on the data analysis), 3D images of the rooms, a user account for exchanging receipts for services and chatting between the landlord and the tenant, and other functions. The user account and the chat are provided by subscription. The platform will offer an opportunity to pay the rent in its own cryptocurrency – REST that can be converted into fiat money on your card and vice versa in the user account. The user will be able to add his bank card to carry-out operations with fiat; the exchange process will be backed by integration with the crypto-exchange. The advantage of this platform is payment with REST without commissions as distinguished from bank wire transfers.

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ICO’s Details

  • ICO Opening Date:

    Mon, Sep 18th, 2017 12:00 AM

  • ICO Closing Date:

    Mon, Oct 2nd, 2017 12:00 AM

  • Country of Origin:


  • Symbol:


  • Blockchain Type:


  • Platform:



Anuar Zhilkibagarov - CEO & Founder
Daulet Myrzan - Lead Developer
Michael Tarassov - Blockchain expert & lead engineer


Pedro Jordão - Advisor

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Initial Offering News