Ubcoin Market ICO (Initial Coin Offering) | Coinspeaker

Our goal is to help solving a global problem of buying and selling cryptocurrency by removing an interlayer of fiat money controlled by regulators and replacing it with fisical goods. 2 reasons to invest App is already developed and exclusively pre-installed on all Samsung and Fly smartphones, including Galaxy S9. Official contracts signed. We are a mature company with leading banking platform which is called UBANKmobile App already has over 16 million installations worldwide. Check our GooglePlay and AppStore.

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ICO’s Details

  • ICO Opening Date:

    Mon, Apr 2nd, 2018 12:00 AM

  • ICO Closing Date:

    Sat, Jul 14th, 2018 12:00 AM

  • Country of Origin:


  • Symbol:


  • Blockchain Type:


  • Platform:



Felix Khachatryan - Founder and CEO of Ubcoin
Mazhar Jan - Founder and investor of Ubcoin
Andrew Lee - Founder and investor of Ubcoin
Stan Danysh - Chief operating Officer of Ubcoin
Alex Putilin - CTO and Cheif blockchain developerin of Ubcoin
Marina Lerner - CMO of Ubcoin


Yama Bassam - Adviser
Maxim Filin - Adviser
Evgeniy Pavlov - Adviser
Oleg Bud - Adviser

Disclosure: This page is created to provide market intelligence. This is not investment advice and does not constitute any solicitation or endorsement of any investment. Any investment you make is done at your own risk and at your full and absolute discretion.

Initial Offering News