CEO, MetaTokyo
May 24th, 2022 – May 26th, 2022
Metaverse Ecosystem Development & Investment Conference-Asia Station will happen on 24, 25, 26 May 2022 online, organized by the MC (Metaverse Club).
The conference will include more than 5,000 Entertainment, Blockchain Game, NFT, DeFi, Technology companies from global markets, and will include game & NFT players, investors, artists, metaverse lovers as well as media in the Asia Pacific market (main from China, Japan, South Korea, South East, Asia, Dubai) learning about the latest metaverse market news, finding investment and PR opportunities in the Asia Pacific market.
CEO, MetaTokyo
CEO, Charisma Entertainment
Head of Movies and Entertainment
CEO at Cointelegraph Communications, Creative Director at Cointelegraph
SubGame Ambassador, SubGame Network