Chief Operating Officer (Technology), AXA
Oct 20th, 2020 – Oct 21st, 2020
London, United Kingdom
Insurance Transformation Summit is the leading digital transformation and insurance event – offering unparalleled access to decision makers, visionaries, influencers and disruptors from the world of insurance, finance and tech. 200 inspirational speakers and 25 of the most innovative next-gen vendors discuss, demo and showcase the latest industry innovations.
Over 200 leading speakers set out their vision for the future of insurance. Industry captains from insurance and IT will share their trials and successes to help your business adapt and thrive. Join the industry’s most progressive professionals to discuss how digital transformation is remaking insurance.
Cutting edge case studies offer a “how-to” approach to developing and implementing a digital strategy in a changing insurance landscape. Featuring keynotes, breakout sessions and product demos, the conference programme spotlights the most influential leaders against the most current industry questions, topics and pain points.
A diverse, curated agenda of the latest tech innovations provides an excellent backdrop to the breaks in the conference agenda, sparking debate and discussion amongst attendees. Showcasing companies are selected based on there relevance and the cutting-edge nature of their offering whether they’re established leaders in the space or brand-new startups.
Come together with colleagues and peers in an environment designed to foster learning, development and great connections. Curated introductions ensure you connect with that key prospect, mentor and partner. Topic led meetups, networking drinks and roundtables help facilitate a better networking experience.
Chief Operating Officer (Technology), AXA
CEO, Pukka Insure
Head of Data Platform - Group Digital, Prudential plc
Group Chief Information Officer, RSA Group
Transformation Director, Aviva
Director - Strategic Change Portfolio, Aon UK
CEO & Co-Founder, Inzsure
Head of Innovation, Brit Insurance
Director of Product and Strategy, Elsewhen