Static vs Dynamic NFTs: Complete Guide

UTC by Beatrice Mastropietro · 14 min read
Static vs Dynamic NFTs: Complete Guide
Photo: Depositphotos

In the world of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), there are two main types: dynamic and static. While both have unique benefits, they come with different risks and rewards. This guide will explore the differences between these two types of NFTs and help you decide which is right for you.

After widespread adoption throughout the Web3 community, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are making their way into the mainstream, with spotlights in major media outlets and a series of high-profile athletes and public figures launching their collections. As a result, NFTs have become one of blockchain technology’s most publicly prominent applications.

However, NFTs are not a new concept. The first NFTs were created long ago. But what makes today’s NFTs different?

The answer lies in their “dynamic” or “static” nature. Static NFTs are those blending, they cannot be changed or modified. Dynamic NFTs, however, are mutable and can be changed over time.

NFTs Briefly Explained

NFTs are digital assets that are unique and non-fungible. This means that each NFT is not interchangeable and has its distinct value. Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies, which are fungible (or interchangeable), NFTs cannot be replaced by another identical asset.

NFTs can represent a wide variety of digital assets, including but not limited to art, music, videos, gaming items, virtual worlds, and more.

The key difference between NFTs and other digital assets is that NFTs are backed by the blockchain, which guarantees their uniqueness and ownership. The blockchain also allows for the creation of smart contracts that can automate certain processes associated with NFTs.

One of the most popular platforms for creating and trading NFTs is Ethereum. Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts – applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of fraud or third-party interference.

NFTs created on Ethereum must comply with the ERC-721 standard, which defines a set of rules that all NFTs on the Ethereum network must follow. These rules include how NFTs are minted (created), transferred, and destroyed.

The ERC-721 standard has successfully created a thriving market for NFTs. Some popular NFTs include Cryptokitties, Decentraland, and Gods Unchained.

It’s important to note that not all NFTs are created equal. There are two main types of NFTs: dynamic NFTs and static NFTs.

Dynamic NFTs are digital assets that can change over time. For example, a digital painting could be a dynamic NFT because the artist could continue to add to it or change it after it has been minted.

Static NFTs, on the other hand, are digital assets that cannot be changed after they have been minted. Once a static NFT has been created, it is permanent and immutable.

The type of NFT you choose to create will depend on your specific use case. If you want to create an asset that can be modified or updated over time, then a dynamic NFT is probably the right choice. However, if you want to create a permanent asset that cannot be changed, then a static NFT is probably the better option.

No matter which type of NFT you create, the Ethereum blockchain provides a secure and trustworthy platform. Following the ERC-721 standard, you can be sure that your NFT will be unique and tamper-proof.

NFTs have the potential to revolutionize a wide variety of industries by providing a new way to own and trade digital assets. From art and music to gaming and virtual worlds, NFTs are opening up a new world of possibilities.

Static NFTs

Static NFTs are non-fungible tokens that cannot be changed or modified in any way. Once created, they exist as permanent, immutable records on the blockchain. These NFTs are often used to represent digital assets that are not meant to be changed or exchanged, such as artwork, collectibles, or digital identification documents. They can also be used to store data permanently on the blockchain, such as in a decentralized database.

Static NFTs have several advantages over dynamic counterparts. Firstly, they are more secure since they cannot be altered after creation. Secondly, they are more efficient and more compatible with existing systems and protocols.

As for disadvantages, there are a few as well. One is that static NFTs cannot be updated or changed, so if new information needs to be added, a new NFT must be created. This can make static NFTs less flexible than dynamic NFTs. Another disadvantage is that static NFTs are not compatible with some smart contract platforms. This limits the types of applications that can be built with static NFTs. But even with these limitations, static NFTs are the most popular type of NFT and are used in many applications. Their security, efficiency, and compatibility make them well-suited for many different use cases.

Speaking of use cases for static NFTs, they include the following:

  • Digital art collections. One popular use case for static NFTs is digital art collections. Artists can sell their artwork as NFTs, which allows collectors to own unique pieces of digital art that cannot be replicated or altered. This makes NFTs an ideal way to collect and trade digital art. NFTs have also been used to create virtual worlds, such as Decentraland and Cryptovoxels. These platforms allow users to buy, sell, or trade virtual property and assets. NFTs enable a new type of economy where users can earn money by creating and selling virtual land, buildings, and objects.
  • Identity verification. Another common use case for static NFTs is identity verification. NFTs can be used to store digital identities on the blockchain, which makes them resistant to fraud and tampering. This is because NFTs are immutable and cannot be changed after they are created. Digital identity systems based on static NFTs are being developed by several companies, including Microsoft and IBM. These systems could be used to verify the identity of people online, such as when signing up for new accounts or accessing sensitive information.
  • Document storage. Static NFTs can also be used to store documents permanently on the blockchain. This is because NFTs are immutable and cannot be altered after they are created. This makes NFTs ideal for storing important documents, such as birth certificates, contracts, and wills. A number of companies are developing document storage platforms based on NFTs. These platforms could be used to store a variety of documents, such as medical records, land titles, and educational certificates.
  • Collecting gaming items. Another popular use case for static NFTs is collecting gaming items. NFTs can represent in-game items, such as weapons, armor, and vehicles. This allows gamers to own unique items that cannot be replicated or altered.

Benefits of Static NFTs

Static NFTs have a number of advantages over their dynamic counterparts.

Firstly, static NFTs are much more efficient in storage and bandwidth requirements. This is because a static NFT only needs to be stored once, regardless of how many times it is traded or sold. In contrast, a dynamic NFT needs to be stored every time it changes hands.

Secondly, static NFTs are much easier to verify than dynamic NFTs. This is because all the information about a static NFT is contained in a single file. In contrast, dynamic NFTs may have multiple files associated with them, making verification more complicated.

Thirdly, static NFTs are more resistant to fraud and counterfeiting. This is because it is much harder to create a fake static NFT than a dynamic one.

Finally, static NFTs offer more flexibility in how they are used. For example, static NFTs can be used as collateral for loans or as a form of shareable digital property.

Overall, static NFTs offers a number of advantages over their dynamic counterparts. In terms of storage and bandwidth requirements, static NFTs are much more efficient. They are also easier to verify, more resistant to fraud and counterfeiting and offer more flexibility in terms of how they can be used.

Dynamic NFTs

Dynamic NFTs, or dNFTs, are NFTs that can be updated or changed after they have been created. This is in contrast to static NFTs, which cannot be modified once minted. dNFTs are useful for situations where the data associated with an NFT may need to be updated over time, such as in the case of a digital asset that represents a real-world object that can change hands or location (e.g., a piece of art, a car, etc.). By using a dNFT, the asset’s new owner can update the token to reflect the change in ownership.

Dynamic NFTs work by storing data in a mutable (changeable) format on the blockchain. This allows the owner of the dNFT to modify the data associated with the token, as long as they have the appropriate permissions.

The data associated with a dNFT can be updated either manually by the token owner or automatically, based on conditions set in advance (such as when the asset changes hands).

One example of a dNFT is Cryptokitties, a popular game that allows players to breed, buy, and sell digital cats. A dNFT represents each cat, and the owner can update the data associated with the token (such as the cat’s appearance, personality, and genes).

Another example of a dNFT is Decentraland, a virtual world where users can buy, sell, or trade virtual land parcels. The data associated with each land parcel (such as the location and size of the parcel) can be updated by the owner.

Dynamic NFTs can be used for various applications, including games, digital art, and more. Some of the most popular use cases for dNFTs include digital art, gaming assets, and collectibles. In the world of digital art, for example, artists can create ever-evolving and constantly changing pieces. This makes the art more interesting and engaging and allows the artist to continue adding value to the piece over time.

In gaming, dNFTs can represent in-game items that change or evolve as a player progresses. For example, a sword that starts as a simple wooden blade could eventually become a powerful magical weapon as the player completes quests and gains experience. This would give players a sense of ownership and attachment to their game characters and items and make the game more engaging overall.

Finally, dNFTs can also be used as collectibles that change over time based on market conditions or other factors. For example, a digital baseball card could increase in value if the player depicted on the card has a breakout season or decrease in value if the player is traded to a less popular team. This would add an element of collectability and investment to dNFTs, and make them even more appealing to users.

Benefits of Dynamic NFTs

Dynamic NFTs offer a number of benefits over traditional NFTs, including:

  • Increased engagement. The use of dynamic NFTs can help increase engagement with your content or product. By offering something that is constantly changing or evolving, you can keep people coming back for more. This could be in the form of new challenges to complete, rewards to collect, or new and interesting ways to interact with what you’re offering.
  • Greater immersion. Dynamic NFTs also have the potential to create a greater sense of immersion for users. When people feel like they are constantly discovering new things, it can make the experience more enjoyable and memorable. This could lead people to spend more time with your content and become more invested in what you’re offering.
  • Enhanced loyalty. If people are constantly engaged with your content and find new ways to enjoy it, they are more likely to become loyal fans. This could lead to people becoming evangelists for your product or brand and potentially even becoming paying customers.
  • More opportunities for monetization. If you can successfully engage users with dynamic NFTs, there could be more monetization opportunities. This could come from paying for premium content, rewards, or spending more time on your site or app.
  • Greater flexibility. Dynamic NFTs also offer greater flexibility regarding content creation and distribution. If you have a large library of content, you can release it gradually over time by offering new challenges or rewards. This could help keep people interested and coming back for more while allowing time to create new content.
  • Increased virality. If your content is engaging and people find it enjoyable, there’s a greater chance it will be shared with others. This could lead to increased virality and potentially even organic growth for your business.
  • Better analytics. The use of dynamic NFTs can also provide better analytics and insight into how people interact with your content. This could help you optimize your offering and make changes based on user feedback. It could also help you identify potential areas for monetization or new content ideas.
  • Increased exposure. Dynamic NFTs can also help increase exposure for your business or brand. People constantly interacting with your content could lead to more word-of-mouth promotion and potential customers.
  • Greater engagement with fans. If you successfully engage fans with dynamic NFTs, you could see greater engagement overall. This could include people sharing your content, providing feedback, or even becoming paying customers.
  • More opportunities for innovation. Finally, dNFTs also offer more opportunities for innovation and creativity. You can keep people interested and coming back for more by constantly changing and evolving. This could lead to new ideas and ways to improve your offering.

There are many potential benefits of using dynamic NFTs, but it’s important to keep in mind that they may not be right for every situation. If you’re considering using them, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons carefully to ensure they’re a good fit for your business or brand.

Static NFTs vs Dynamic NFTs

The world of non-fungible tokens can be roughly divided into two camps: static NFTs and dynamic NFTs. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to understand the key differences between them before deciding which type is right for you.

Static NFTs are digital assets that are permanently fixed in their data structure. This means they can never be changed or modified in any way, shape, or form. They are often seen as more secure and trustworthy because of their immutable nature, but it also means that they are much less flexible than dynamic NFTs.

Dynamic NFTs, on the other hand, are digital assets that can be constantly updated and changed over time. This makes them much more flexible and adaptable, but it also means that they are less secure and trustworthy than static NFTs.

One of the key decisions when creating an NFT is whether to make it static or dynamic. Static NFTs do not change over time, while dynamic NFTs can be updated after they have been created. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, which should be considered when making this decision.

Static NFTs are more secure because they cannot be changed after they have been created. This makes them less susceptible to fraud or errors, as any changes made to them would be immediately apparent. Additionally, static NFTs can be more easily authenticated, as anyone with access to the original data can verify their unchanged state. However, static NFTs are also less flexible than dynamic NFTs, as they cannot be updated to reflect changes in the underlying data.

Dynamic NFTs, on the other hand, are more flexible as they can be updated to reflect changes in the underlying data. This makes them ideal for applications where the data is constantly changing, such as in a stock market or cryptocurrency exchange. Additionally, dynamic NFTs can be authenticated by anyone with access to the most recent data, making them more secure than static NFTs. However, dynamic NFTs are also more susceptible to fraud and errors, as any changes may not immediately appear.

When deciding whether to create a static or dynamic NFT, it is important to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each. Static NFTs are more secure but less flexible, while dynamic NFTs are more flexible but less secure. Ultimately, deciding which type of NFT to create depends on the specific needs and requirements of the application.


We hope this guide has helped you understand the key differences between dynamic and static NFTs. As blockchain technology’s growth continues, it’s important to know the different types of NFTs and how they can be used.

Which one is right, static or dynamic NFT? It depends on your needs and preferences. If you want a secure digital asset that will never change, a static NFT is probably the best choice. However, if you need something that can be updated over time, then a dynamic NFT might be the way to go.



What are NFTs?

NFTs are non-fungible tokens that exist on a blockchain. NFTs are unique digital assets that another identical asset cannot replace.

What are static NFTs?

Static NFTs are non-fungible tokens that have a static value. This means that they cannot be exchanged or traded like traditional NFTs. Instead, they are meant to be held as a store of value. 

What are the use cases of static NFTs?

NFTs can be used for a variety of applications, including but not limited to:

  • Collectibles. NFTs can be used to represent unique digital collectibles. For example, CryptoKitties are digital cats, each represented by an NFT.
  • Gaming items and assets. NFTs can represent in-game items or assets. For example, Decentraland is a virtual world where an NFT represents each land parcel.
  • Digital art. NFTs can be used to represent digital artworks. For example, the popular crypto art website SuperRare enables artists to sell their artworks as ERC721 tokens.
  • Identity and ownership. NFTs can be used to represent identity information and ownership of digital assets. For example, uPort is an Ethereum-based system that enables users to manage their digital identities and control who has access to their data.
  • Domain names. NFTs can be used to represent domain names. For example, the Ethereum Name Service (ENS) enables users to register .eth domains represented by ENS tokens.

Static NFTs have a wide range of potential applications due to their unique properties. With static NFTs, creating truly scarce digital assets that can be owned and traded by anyone worldwide is possible.

What benefits can you get from static NFTs?

Static NFTs offer a number of benefits, including:

  • Reduced complexity. Unlike dynamic NFTs, static NFTs do not require constant updates or changes. This makes them much simpler to manage and understand. 
  • Greater security. The lack of changeability means that static NFTs are much more resistant to tampering or fraud.
  • Increased stability. Static NFTs are also less likely to experience sudden changes in value, making them a more reliable investment.

What are dynamic NFTs?

Dynamic NFTs are digital assets designed to change or be updated over time.

How are dNFTs used?

Some of the most popular use cases for dNFTs include digital art, gaming assets, and collectibles. In the world of digital art, for example, artists can create ever-evolving and constantly changing pieces. This makes the art more interesting and engaging and allows the artist to continue adding value to the piece over time. 

In gaming, dNFTs can represent in-game items that change or evolve as a player progresses. For example, a sword that starts as a simple wooden blade could eventually become a powerful magical weapon as the player completes quests and gains experience. This would give players a sense of ownership and attachment to their game characters and items and make the game more engaging overall. 

Finally, dNFTs can also be used as collectibles that change over time based on market conditions or other factors. For example, a digital baseball card could increase in value if the player depicted on the card has a breakout season or decrease in value if the player is traded to a less popular team. This would add an element of collectability and investment to dNFTs, and make them even more appealing to users. 

What is the key difference between static and dynamic NFTs?

The key difference between static and dynamic NFTs is that static NFTs are non-fungible tokens that cannot be changed or divided, while dynamic NFTs can be changed or divided.

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