Brian Kerr
Kava Labs is a developer of the Kava blockchain, the first cross-blockchain DeFi platform.
Kava is a cross-chain DeFi platform offering collateralized loans and stablecoins to users of major crypto assets (BTC, XRP, BNB, ATOM, etc.). It is supported by over 100+ business entities around the world, including prominent crypto funds and major crypto projects like Ripple and Cosmos. The platform features two tokens: KAVA, a governance and staking token responsible for securing the network and voting on key parameters; and USDX, an algorithmically maintained stablecoin backed by crypto asset collateral.
Multi-collateral Debt Positions: The Kava platform supports lending against crypto assets from other networks such as BTC, XRP, BNB, and ATOM.
“No Counterparty” Lending: The Kava platform enables users to ‘self-issue’ loans, minting new USDX based on their deposited collateral and destroying USDX when users close out their debt positions.
Algorithmically Maintained Stablecoin: Using price oracles, Kava automatically auctions ‘at-risk’ collateralized debt positions that fall below the required debt-to-collateral ratio in order to maintain the price peg of USDX to USD.
Economically Incentivized Governance: Stakers of the KAVA token earn block rewards and fees paid by users but risk slashing and act as the lender of last resort if the system is not maintained properly.
Oct 23rd, 2019 6:00 am (UTC)
Oct 24th, 2019 6:00 am (UTC)
3 000 000 USD
100 000 000KAVA
6 521 739 KAVA (6.5217% of total token supply)
1 KAVA = 0.46 USD
No lockup
Within 15 days after end of token sale
15 000
1 KAVA = 0.075 USD
1 year cliff with quarterly releases over 2 years
James Murphy, founder and chairman of Murphy & McGonigle, said he wouldn’t settle any crypto case with the current SEC before seeing how the election turns out.
The Binance Launchpad will host a public sale for VOXEL on the 14th of December.
Registrations for the Centrifuge protocol token sale have started and live up to May 21st. Check the below details on registerations and timelines.