Appcessories shows a good visual summary of what is happening in the Internet of Things industry in a recently published infographic.
A news website Appcessories has recently published an infographic that shows a good visual summary of what is happening in the Internet of Things industry: what types of technology IoT companies are focusing on, how the money is flowing, where the innovation is taking place.
The company allocated the Internet of Things industry into 16 distinct categories: home; user interface, lifestyle and entertainment, city and infrastructure, platforms and components, fitness, health care, automotive, toys, agriculture, enterprise, smart watches, tags and trackers, jewelry, retail.
The bar graph, created by Venture Scanner that enables corporations to research, identify, and connect with the most innovative technologies and companies, reviews the number of companies in each IoT category to show which are dominating the current market.
At the moment, IoT Home, focused on residential segment and including such solutions as home security, automation, energy management, is leading the way, following by IoT Health Care and IoT Fitness. IoT Enterprise, focused on enterprise applications, appears the last category on the graph, counting less than 20 companies.
Another bar graph summarizes the average company funding per IoT category. The average funding in hardware that offers new ways to view and/or control digital devices and applications – IoT User Interface companies is more than double that of IoT Platform & Component companies (machine to machine (M2M) communication).
Besides, there is a graph that compares total venture funding in IoT to the number of companies in each category on the infographic. The graph indicates that User Interface and City + Infrastructure, Smart City and Infrastructure verticals, have the most funding as compared to number of companies.
A heat map, made by Venture Scanner as well, shows where IoT startup companies exist across 54 countries. At the moment, the United States is dominating with 551 companies. The United Kingdom holds the second place with 40 companies, and Canada is the third with 37 companies. The cities leading the pack are San Francisco with 109 companies, New York with 26, and London with 22 companies.
The last graph in the infographic outlines IoT by median age of category. At the moment, City + Infrastructure has the highest median at 8 years of all IoT categories, while Retail, Auto, and Watches + Jewelry have the lowest median at 3 years.
Zhanna has a background working for an American multinational food and beverage company as well as at a number of translation agencies serving similar top multinational corporations. She enjoys discovering new cultures as well as learning new languages. She is also a lover of all things fabric and floral ,especially if they are design-related. Zhanna is a graduate of Belarusian State Economic University with a major in Intercultural Business Communications.