What Are the Best Internet of Things Gadgets as Holiday Gifts? | Coinspeaker

What Are the Best Internet of Things Gadgets as Holiday Gifts?

We have prepared a list of the most unual gifts for the upcoming New Year.

Tatsiana Yablonskaya By Tatsiana Yablonskaya Updated 3 mins read
What Are the Best Internet of Things Gadgets as Holiday Gifts?

The year of 2015 is slowly coming to an end or, to be more exact, to the bright and cheerful celebration. The year has been very productive and fruitful for many business spheres but the time to sum up its results is still ahead.

Now it’s high time to think about the presents you are preparing for your closest people. Specially for you, at this Pre-New Year time, we are here with a list of interesting and useful gifts. Bearing in mind the concept of our source we will focus on the presents for tech savvy people.

We are talking about the best Internet of Things gadgets manufacturers have prepared for us. By the way, according to survey conducted by MyDevices 61% of 2,000 adults examined would like to get IoT gift for the holidays.

Smart TV turned out to be the most attractive present (30%), while the other preferences were:  streaming media players (19%), smart watches (18%), wearable fitness trackers (15%), smart-home thermostats (13%), IoT-enabled coffee makers (12%), smart-home lighting (9%) and do-it-yourself connected home security (9%).

Here are some of the most innovative and interesting devices:

  • Microbot Push robot finger: A low-energy Bluetooth device is a robot finger that can be attached to anything and be wirelessly commanded to push a button. Anything means literally everything: the coffee machine, the kettle, light switches, the answer button on your phone.
  • Lively personal emergency response: This system consists of activity sensors which are placed on objects around the home to collect data on an individual’s eating, medication, and sleep habits. Thus its aim is to monitor the daily behavior of an individual living alone. As a result, interested people like doctors or relatives will get twenty-four-hours summary.
  • Mimo baby monitor: The system monitors a baby’s body temperature, motion, and breathing patterns. App enables parents to take day-and-night control over their baby. They will be always aware of baby’s body position, sleeping temperature, activity level.
  • Shockbox helmet sensor: One more device for caring parents. Shockbox is a small, flexible sensor attached inside a sports helmet that monitors the history of head impacts. It immediately alerts parents, coaches, and trainers in the event of a concussion-level impact.
  • Juvo sleep monitor: The device aims at creating the ideal environment and personalized schedule for your sleep. To achieve the highest level of task fulfillment it can “talk” to other smart home gear.
  • Nuubo nECG smart shirt: Smart shirt represents a new level of medical examination. Its sensors can measure heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature, and even conduct an electrocardiogram.
  • mySkin OKU skin coach: As if specially made for women. The device provides full information about your skin: moisture, oiliness, texture, wrinkles, elasticity and pigmentation.
  • Angee Home Security SystemThe gadget can swivel through 360 degrees, thus giving its owner a possibility to see the whole room on a smartphone feed. The fact that the progress is forging ahead allows to hope that the next year will bring even more innovations to our smart homes!
Editor's Choice, Internet of Things News, News
Tatsiana Yablonskaya

Taking strong interest in blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and IoT, Tatsiana Yablonskaya got deep understanding of the emerging techs believing in their potential to drive the future.