California Space Center Unveils Copernic, a Blockchain System for the Space Economy | Coinspeaker

California Space Center Unveils Copernic, a Blockchain System for the Space Economy

The creation of Copernic, a unique blockchain-based management system, is an important step for the future space economy and ecosystem.

Tatsiana Yablonskaya By Tatsiana Yablonskaya Updated 3 mins read
California Space Center Unveils Copernic, a Blockchain System for the Space Economy
Photo: California Space Center/Flickr

Eva Blaisdell, founder of the California Space Center, has announced the launch of Copernic, a management system named after legendary Polish astronomer Copernicus. Copernic is a blockchain-based, finance-focused rights system developed for the space industry and intended to provide the infrastructure for the future space economy and ecosystem.

Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX, Tesla, and Paypal, emphasized the beginning of new era of space exploration at the ICA in Guadalajara. The creation of Copernic is a new step towards space exploration as it was designed to provide an efficient and transparent platform for the transfer of value and registration of rights.

Copernic will enable to set a precise, defined value for the space “assets” that can be transferred and realized. The California Space Center launches Copernic to serve as a framework of transactions between space-related activities here on earth. This includes the assistance of Copernic in the sale of space-related fashion, music, and entertainment, while allowing for the execution of the planned $300 million Space Center development.

Copernic will be the platform to develop blockchain applications within the space industry. The California Space Center also unveils its plans to launch the first blockchain Laboratory focused on space applications. The Center is now accepting applications from potential partners.

The California Space Center stands out from other space industry players that mostly concentrate on critical physical goals for space such as transportation. Instead, the Center specializes in areas that others does not, including, in particular, the future economy. It strives to develop the industry’s potential economy, through everything from the development of education initiatives, VR entertainment, fashion and wearables.

“Now is the time to embrace the limitless possibility of the Space Economy. The economy should not rely on sluggish and inefficient systems that currently dominate earth operations,” said Blaisdell. “Blockchain is rapidly becoming an integral part of the most advanced systems on earth. Just as with rocket technology, the foundation for space’s economy should be based on future standards. Tremendous distance is only one of the many problems that must be solved with a future system; a blockchain with independent integrity is required for the space economy to grow.”

Blaisdell underlined that Copernic is a catalyst for future economic growth. The Coinfirm Blockchain Lab, a project from the central European leader in blockchain compliance, will assist the California Space Center to control the development of the currency and platform. Despite the fact that Copernic is not based on traditional financial system, it is necessary to minimize the risks. The blockchain AML risk and compliance platform of Coinfirm will ensure that Copernic will be able to establish trust and to connect with financial systems on Earth.

More details about Copernic will be unveiled in Los Angeles on September 29 during the Mars City Design Gala Awards event at Annenberg Center.

Tatsiana Yablonskaya

Taking strong interest in blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and IoT, Tatsiana Yablonskaya got deep understanding of the emerging techs believing in their potential to drive the future.