Robotina ICO: Em-Power-ing People

March 20th, 2018 at 2:06 pm UTC · 4 min read

Once upon a time, life’s basic necessities consisted of food, clothing and shelter. In today’s digital age, it could be extended to include power and data. Without those two, surviving would be near impossible.

Already, meeting these global needs is taking a toll on the planet. A more efficient, secure, power that saves costs is required. Robotina intends to be this approach by offering a 3-in-1 package where blockchain meets the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

What is Robotina?

Robotina is an IoT platform that focuses on energy and power use. Adopting high-standard technology with a blend of AI, Robotina is able to reduce energy consumption, lower electricity costs, and optimize the entire electricity grid in an area. This is achieved by real-time monitoring of consumption data.

As mentioned earlier, power and data are among the basic necessities in the digital age. In addition to working to reduce power consumption, Robotina manages the IoT devices consumers use. This way, they can efficiently collect and process anonymous data of users.

On the user’s part, they are in full control of their data and have power over the choice of either selling their data for a profit or keeping it 100% private.

How is Robotina different from the multitude?

At the moment, it appears everyone and their grandma are starting a blockchain project and launching an ICO. Some brazenly ask for funds even without a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), thereby causing many to lose faith.

Robotina is neither of the above.

The platform is backed by an established company with over two decades of existence and experience in the AI and IoT market. Established in Slovenia, Europe, the company has a proven track record of success. Robotina is home to 50 experts in automation, smart grids, IoT & AI.

With seven registered patents, five international certificates, two R&D teams, one approved institute, and execution of successful projects in more than 28 countries, you can expect an excellent MVP from Robotina.

How can I benefit from Robotina?

A convergence of today’s three biggest areas of technology will produce a masterpiece that helps you optimize your power, while also reducing costs. Here’s how the Robotina (blockchain + AI + IoT) platform benefits you:

  • Automatically turning off your devices when appropriate.
  • Automatically switching on your devices when it’s cheap to do so.
  • You become a member of a supportive community comprising other smart and green technology users.
  • Opportunity to pool and contribute funds with others, in a group, in order to purchase power units.
  • You become the buyer (and seller) of your energy.
  • You can buy at the best prices with the help of accessible real-time data.
  • You can sell off unused power.
  • Allows you to track real-time data to see measurable benefits.
  • As mentioned earlier, you can choose to sell your collated data or keep it to yourself.
  • Users can crowd finance for projects other than power-related.
  • You gain full access to other services available on the Robotina platform.

Remember, Robotina isn’t just all about saving or making you some bucks, they are particular about making the planet greener by saving on energy consumption.

How can I get Robotina?

Robotina is issuing an ERC-20 token (ROX) built on the Ethereum blockchain. ROX is an application-specific token, to be used by members worldwide as the fuel for Robotina’s IoT platform. This will enable Robotina to give the value of the cooperative network back to the community.

You can participate in the ongoing token pre-sale by completing KYC here.

Crowdsale begins 21st March to end 30th April. Robotina’s ICO soft cap is $10 million, while the hard cap is $28.5 million.

There will be a total token supply of 815 million ROX. 570.5 million of that will be distributed during crowdsale.

To purchase ROX, a minimum contribution of 0.5 ETH must be made.

Heading the robust team of experienced professionals is Robotina’s CEO, Devid Palčič.

Uses of ROX

  • For purchases with the Energy Service Company (ESCO).
  • For identification of members of the community.
  • As community incentive and reward.
  • As currency for paying subscriptions on the platform.
  • To purchase hardware and software.
  • To facilitate virtual power plant (VPP) crowdfunding.