POL to INR: Convert POL (ex-MATIC) to Indian Rupee | Coinspeaker
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Last update: 8:42 AM, February 14, 2025


POL INR Market Stats

27.97 INR The current POL (ex-MATIC) price in INR
POL market cap
$2.76 B The total amount of all available POL assets in circulation.
POL 24h trade volume
$94 148 368 The total amount of POL traded in the last 24 hours.

POL / INR Exchange Rate

1 POL is currently valued at 27.97 INR which is 1.5% compared to POL / INR exchange rate over the last 24 hours.
POL (ex-MATIC) market cap makes $2.76 B.


Coin logo POL (ex-MATIC) INR
0.1 2.80
0.5 13.99
1 27.97
5.00 139.9
10.00 279.7
50.00 1 399
100.00 2 797
250.00 6 993
500.00 13 986
1 000.00 27 973
Extended POL statistics


INR Coin logo POL (ex-MATIC)
0.1 0.00357
0.5 0.0179
1 0.0357
5.00 0.18
10.00 0.36
50.00 1.79
100.00 3.57
250.00 8.94
500.00 17.87
1 000.00 35.75

Historical Exchange Rate Graph for POL to INR

Source: TradingView

Today vs. 24 hours ago

Amount Today at 08:42 AM 24 hours ago 24H change
0.1 POL 2.80 INR 2.76 INR 1.5%
0.5 POL 13.99 INR 13.78 INR 1.5%
1 POL 27.97 INR 27.56 INR 1.5%
5 POL 139.9 INR 137.8 INR 1.5%
10 POL 279.7 INR 275.6 INR 1.5%
50 POL 1 399 INR 1 378 INR 1.5%
100 POL 2 797 INR 2 756 INR 1.5%
250 POL 6 993 INR 6 890 INR 1.5%
500 POL 13 986 INR 13 780 INR 1.5%
1000 POL 27 973 INR 27 559 INR 1.5%

Today vs. 1 month ago

Amount Today at 08:42 AM 1 month ago 1M change
0.1 POL 2.80 INR 3.98 INR 29.8%
0.5 POL 13.99 INR 19.92 INR 29.8%
1 POL 27.97 INR 39.85 INR 29.8%
5 POL 139.9 INR 199.2 INR 29.8%
10 POL 279.7 INR 398.5 INR 29.8%
50 POL 1 399 INR 1 992 INR 29.8%
100 POL 2 797 INR 3 985 INR 29.8%
250 POL 6 993 INR 9 962 INR 29.8%
500 POL 13 986 INR 19 924 INR 29.8%
1000 POL 27 973 INR 39 847 INR 29.8%

Today vs. 1 year ago

Amount Today at 08:42 AM 1 year ago 1Y change
0.1 POL 2.80 INR 7.46 INR 62.5%
0.5 POL 13.99 INR 37.32 INR 62.5%
1 POL 27.97 INR 74.63 INR 62.5%
5 POL 139.9 INR 373.2 INR 62.5%
10 POL 279.7 INR 746.3 INR 62.5%
50 POL 1 399 INR 3 732 INR 62.5%
100 POL 2 797 INR 7 463 INR 62.5%
250 POL 6 993 INR 18 658 INR 62.5%
500 POL 13 986 INR 37 317 INR 62.5%
1000 POL 27 973 INR 74 634 INR 62.5%

Popular POL (ex-MATIC) Conversions

POL/USD (US Dollar) 0.32 USD
POL/JPY (Japanese Yen) 49.20 JPY
POL/CNY (Chinese Yuan) 2.35 CNY
POL/INR (Indian Rupee) 27.97 INR
POL/CAD (Canadian Dollar) 0.46 CAD
POL/BRL (Brazilian Real) 1.86 BRL
POL/EUR/ (Euro) 0.31EUR
POL/CHF/ (Swiss Franc) 0.29CHF
POL/GBP/ (British Pound Sterling) 0.26GBP
POL/KRW/ (South Korean Won) 464.3KRW
POL/NGN/ (Nigerian Naira) 483.8NGN
POL/SGD/ (Singapore Dollar) 0.43SGD
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POL/INR converter FAQ:

What does POL to INR conversion rate mean?

Conversion rate of POL to INR reflects how much POL you need to buy a unit of INR.

How do I use this POL to INR converter tool?

Just enter the amount of POL or INR you want to convert into the appropriate field, and it will automatically calculate the equivalent amount in the other currency.

Can I buy POL with INR?

Yes, you can buy POL with INR. Just make sure to check the conversion rate beforehand

How much POL could I buy for 1 INR?

You can buy 0.0357 POL for 1 INR

How much has the price of POL changed?

POL price has shifted by 1.50% in the past 24 hours, showing a total movement of 6.64% over the last week and -29.80% over the past month.

If I had put 1 INR in POL 1 week ago how much would it be worth?

If you had put 1 INR in POL 1 week ago, it would be worth 1.07 INR now and profit could have been 0.0664 INR for this conversion

If I had put 1 INR in POL 1 month ago how much would it be worth?

If you had put 1 INR in POL 1 month ago, it would be worth 0.70 INR now and loss could have been -0.30 INR for this conversion