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Realista Wants to Revolutionise the $217 Trillion Real Estate Industry

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by Darya Rudz · 3 min read
Realista Wants to Revolutionise the $217 Trillion Real Estate Industry
Photo: Realista

Realista, a global real estate platform that connects property sellers, buyers, renters and agents, enables them to participate in a $217 trillion asset economy. It is rapidly changing the way we deal with property.

Realista, the first global real estate platform, is revolutionising the $217 trillion real estate industry and enables more people to take part in it.

Realista was created by Alex and Duncan McIntyre in 2015 with the aim to lower the costs of online real estate portals. With over 20 years’ experience in real estate, Alex was aware of the industry’s greatest problems. Duncan, who grew up in a family of estate agents, came to recognise these issues too.

They found the high costs associated with advertising property online the first-priority problem. In Australia, fees can range between $500-$3000 per property and this only continues to escalate. As a result, more and more sellers are turning to offline means of advertising their property, and in turn, buyers and renters have access to fewer listings.

Alex and Duncan realised the need for a platform that eradicates the sky-rocketing expenses associated with online real estate portals. With this in mind, Realista was designed.

The platform unites real estate and digital networking. Realista draws inspiration from sites such as Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, and has rapidly became the missing piece in every agent’s life.

The platform encourages connection between all parties, as agents can be ‘followed’ by their potential clients. Via the platform’s apps, buyers and renters can follow agents within their local or desired areas, set their property preferences and be notified as soon as relevant listings hit the market, while agents can create their profile and only have to pay $10 a month once they reach more than 100 buyers or renters.

Realista is poised to become the first global real estate platform. Launched last July, Realista unites over 24,000 agents across Australia, New Zealand and the United States, and more and more buyers and renters are joining the platform everyday. Realista has also attracted interest from Europe, Latin America, South Africa and Singapore. Potential markets are being researched.

Realista is starting a token sale very soon. RealistaToken’s (RET) will be implemented on the Ethereum Blockchain and a total of USD $15 million  is set to be raised during the Presale which will run for a maximum of three days. Presale participants will receive a 30 percent early commitment Bonus.

The Crowdsale will run for a maximum of 14 days and USD $13.5 million is set be raised. Participants will receive a 20 percent and 10 percent Bonus on the first and second days of the sale, respectively.

During the Token Generation Event, 1 billion RET will be issued and divided into two portions. 500 million – 605 million RET will be distributed to contributors, and the remaining RET will be used to support Realista’s development.

The token sale is intended to encourage buyers, renters, sellers and agents to utilise the platform. Agents attracting  more users will be rewarded with RET, which can serve as payment for their subscription. This will stimulate a network effect and enable property sellers and agents to realise the value of listing properties on Realista. Property content will increase, and new buyers and renters will be attracted.

Realista is truly revolutionising the $217 trillion real estate industry on a global scale. This affordable, efficient and transparent platform is rapidly changing the way we buy, rent and sell property, for the better.

Blockchain News, News, Token Sales
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