Following a lengthy period of work behind the scenes, the team of cryptocurrency experts has launched the long-awaited review site, Crypto.Review. The crypto review site is the result of months of work from a team of cryptocurrency experts that have banded their industry experience together to bring the market a reliable cryptocurrency resource portal.
The team is led by early crypto-enthusiast Ben Starr, an English businessman who has successfully built several large and successful content websites such as ChooseWheels.com and ChooseMattress.com.
The new website aims to keep all of the content as informed as possible, as they strive to write, in-depth, useful and applicable reviews for crypto-enthusiasts. The team is aiming to become the number one resource for all cryptocurrency consumers offering up-to-date information on cryptocurrency exchanges, ICO’s, products and devices.
Crytpo.review is Ben’s most recent project, which combines the passion for crypto and for building valuable content websites.
Ben Starr shared some words about his latest project. He stated that Crypto.Review was a combination of his passion for unbiased, premium quality content, marketing and the work of blockchain and cryptocurrency.
Crypto.review is now Ben’s primary focus, and he is confident that he and his team will be able to work together and produce a top site that individuals can rely upon for their day to day crypto endeavors. The site will strive to offer it’s increasing user-base the most current, unbiased and useful information about crypto products and services.
Product Reviews
Most recently the team at Crypto.Review has been working hard to provide detailed guides on various popular cryptocurrency products and websites, such as exchanges, devices and ICO’s. On the site, each exchange is rated based on criteria such as security, features, fees and customer support.
This way Crypto.review aims to give its users the most balanced review. At the moment a list of all of the current reviews for exchanges listed on the site includes (but not limited to) Bittrex Review and Guide, Coinbase Full review and Guide, Gemini Exchange Full Review. Kraken, Bitstamp, Binance and others are not left behind as well.
The other fields that crypto-enthusiasts strongly need information on is wallets, coins and token generation events. Crytpo.review offers information on all these topics as well – its users can find content devoted to wallets’ review (e.g. Trezor Hardware wallet), coins (e.g. NEO), and analyses of current/future TGEs.
On top of product ratings, the Crypto.Review team is focused on the production of a simple, yet an in-depth way for users to understand content about blockchain when just starting out. All in all, the team aims to change the state of things when high level of scams, and fraudulent activity in this growing industry don’t allow newbies find the necessary and trustworthy resources to properly educate themselves about the technology and potential pitfalls surrounding it.