Brazilian Exchange Launches its ICO with an Aggressive Growth Proposal

April 24th, 2018 at 2:10 pm UTC · 2 min read

With an aggressive growth proposal, CriptoHub is a Brazilian exchange that launched its Initial Coin Offering (ICO) in the past few days.It proposes to become the largest exchange in Brazil through differentials that no other exchange in the country has, along with raising several million reais.

In Brazil, which has already shown itself to be archaic when it comes to cryptocurrencies, it can be difficult to make even simple cryptocurrency purchases. There are excessive limits, it takes too long to make withdrawals, service is slow and it takes ages for deposits to be recognised.

Another issue that makes it difficult to invest in cryptocurrencies in Brazil is a lack of currencies. One clear example is a lack of opportunity to buy tokens like Ripple, Monero and other high-value tokens on the market

Against this background, CriptoHub wants to launch itself as the most complete option in Brazil.


Inspired by large international exchanges, specifically Binance and Kucoin, CriptoHub will bring the greatest diversity in currencies and tokens available in Brazil, a referral programme, low final charges and cutting-edge technology.

Furthermore, its plans include the provision of financial services, such as a cryptocurrency payment hub for Brazilian e-commerce and credit cards for users that can be used to pay all bills using the user’s cryptocurrency balance.

Why Brazil?

Although it only has a small number of exchanges, more than 20 million dollars in cryptocurrency and virtual tokens are traded every day in Brazil.

With a better exchange that is focused on the user and has better diversity in terms of assets, it is hoped that CriptoHub will become the largest exchange in Brazil in just 12 months.

Brazil has more investors in cryptoassets than in the stock exchange.

How these objectives will be achieved

With the ICO, which is now open, the founders of CriptoHub are hoping to raise their hard cap of 10 million dollars. This investment combined with people who are experienced in various areas of the market will lead to the creation of the biggest exchange in Brazil.

As can be seen on the official site, its founders are experienced digital entrepreneurs with a full team that is ready to grow.
