Mdex (MDX) is the decentralized exchange (DEX) platform based on Heco, the Huobi exchange blockchain. It is strategically positioned as the optimal choice for eco-token transactions and the largest DeFi ecosystem with trio features, DEX, IMO, and DAO integration. It also allows a dual mining mechanism of liquidity and transactions for users. Besides, Mdex ensures a secured transaction and guaranteed liquidity process. It aims to create cross-chain compatibility between leading chains to create a composite DEX ecosystem.

The MDX token can be mined and traded. It has a total supply of 1 billion. A block appears every 3 seconds based on the HECO chain with block rewards of 80 MDX per block. The halving happens after every six months.

Mdex users benefit from the following:

  • High transaction speed. The Mdex platform design is on the Heco chain, confirming a transaction within a short time of 3 seconds. Besdies, Mdex does not have any delays.
  • Transaction fees are very low. Transaction worth 1000USDT on Mdex is 0.3%. Mdex platform allows users to mine the amount spent as a transaction fee through mining.
  • Further, users can switch pools. The MDEX pooling system is flexible. It allows users to migrate from one pool to another.
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Coin’s Details

  • Market Capitalization

    $42.26 M

  • Fully diluted valuation

    $47.14 M

  • Volume 24H

    $1.44 M

  • Circulating supply

    950 246 686

  • Total supply

    1 060 000 000

  • Circ. percent


  • All-time high

    $10.11 (-99.6%)

  • All-time high date

    Feb 22nd, 2021

  • All-time low

    $0.0333 (33.5%)

  • All-time low date

    Jan 23rd, 2024

  • First announced


Mdex News