Craig Wright Failed To Prove He Is Satoshi Nakamoto | Coinspeaker

Craig Wright Failed To Prove He Is Satoshi Nakamoto

The Australian entrepreneur has lost the courage to offer more definitive proof that he is a developer of virtual currency, after providing false evidence.

Polina Chernykh By Polina Chernykh Updated 3 mins read
Craig Wright Failed To Prove He Is Satoshi Nakamoto
Photo: Ian Muttoo/Flickr

Craig Wright, who earlier claimed to be a bitcoin creator, has declared he no longer has courage to present further evidence he is Satoshi Nakamoto. On Thursday, Wright left a farewell message, leaving even more doubts among the members of the bitcoin community.

On Tuesday, the entrepreneur told GQ, The Economist and BBC that he was the person who created the digital currency. To prove his claims, Wright posted a digital signature, which he said was signed with a private key that could be owned only by Satoshi Nakamoto.

However, the proof was dubbed a “scam” by computer security experts who found the signature was just a copy of the one used in 2009.

Security researcher Robert Graham said: “Craig Wright magically appears to have proven he knows Satoshi’s private-key, when in fact he’s copied the inputs/outputs and made us think we calculated them. It would’ve worked, too, but there’s too many damn experts in the blockchain who immediately pick up on the subtle details.”

Wright then promised to give more evidence, saying he would transfer some coins from an early bitcoin block to substantiate his declaration.

“I will be posting a series of pieces that will lay the foundations for this extraordinary claim, which will include posting independently-verifiable documents and evidence addressing some of the false allegations that have been levelled,” he wrote.

“I will present what I believe to be ‘extraordinary proof’ and ask only that it be independently validated.”

On Thursday Wright issued a new post saying he would not provide further proof thatr he is a bitcoin creator, as he fears it would result in personal attacks.

“I’m sorry. I believed that I could do this. I believed that I could put the years of anonymity and hiding behind me,” he wrote in the post. “But, as the events of this week unfolded and I prepared to publish the proof of access to the earliest keys, I broke. I do not have the courage. I cannot.”

“When the rumors began, my qualifications and character were attacked. When those allegations were proven false, new allegations have already begun. I know now that I am not strong enough for this,” the post reads.

Wright also apologised to cryptocurrency consultant Jon Matonis and bitcoin developer Gavin Andresen, who supported his declaration before it was revealed.

“They were not deceived, but I know that the world will never believe that now. I can only say I’m sorry. And goodbye,” he wrote.

In December, Wired and Gizmodo reported there is evidence that shows Wright is a bitcoin creator. Both publications managed to gather much data, including transcripts, leaked emails and blog posts, which demonstrated Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto. Yet, some in the bitcoin community are still skeptical about information revealed by Wired and Gizmodo.

According to Cornell University’s professor, Emin Gün Sirer, Wright is not the man behind the virtual currency. Craig Wright is not Satoshi. Could not have been. And before him, Dorian was not Satoshi, either — or rather, he was very much Satoshi Nakamoto, the model railroad enthusiast, not the fellow behind Bitcoin,he said.

Polina Chernykh

Polina is an undergraduate student at Belarusian State Economic University (BSEU) where she is studying at the faculty of International Business Communication for a degree specializing in Intercultural Communication. In her spare time she enjoys drawing, music and travelling.