Taking strong interest in blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and IoT, Tatsiana Yablonskaya got deep understanding of the emerging techs believing in their potential to drive the future.
Paxful is giving away 10 bitcoins for those who sign up and make at least one sale before February 10.
Paxful, a global leader in peer-to-peer bitcoin technology, has unveiled a new widget to allow people purchasing bitcoin worldwide instantly via their own customized bitcoin kiosk. Paxful offers to embed the widget within any website, blog, YouTube channel, mobile app, email subscriber list, or even a Facebook page. The simple process can bring you 2% commission from every sale made through the unique widget.
The company underlines that the program is available absolutely for anyone who wants to buy or sell bitcoin around the world with over 300 ways to pay.
Paxful promises to give away 10 bitcoins to those who sign up and make at least one sale through the virtual bitcoin kiosk before February 10 to celebrate the launch.
“We have spent a year and a half learning the game inside and out and factoring in every little place where a first time buyer can get stuck and giving them a way to finish. This thing just works. There is also a pretty darn neat Silver Lining for the entrepreneurial folks”, Ray Youssef, Paxful co-founder, said.
Paxful has already encouraged many entrepreneurs by offering Bitcoin buy/sell services on websites, via chatbots and educating the unbanked about its opportunities. Now, all people who want to leverage the great opportunity can turn attention to the Paxful Virtual Bitcoin Kiosk program that offers unique link codes, banners and buttons to be used creatively.
“Bitcoin is still an early stage technology. Think about how the web was before Google AdSense. This program is incredible for anyone seeking ground-floor opportunities,” Youssef said.
The process of working with the Paxful Virtual Bitcoin Kiosk is rather simple – customers are instantly connected with bitcoin sellers from all over the world in accordance with their desired purchasing currency (Gift cards, Debit Cards etc.), quantity of Bitcoin needed, and lastly desired payment method. Thus, you only need to take three steps to start earning – purchasing bitcoin has never been simpler.
“Unlike other affiliate programs, Paxful allows people to earn passively, instantly and globally. We commit to giving away thousands of dollars in bitcoin to affiliates to motivate everyone to try the program. The money will not just go to big affiliates, but first-timers too. As long as they refer a single sale of $10 they can win”, Artur Schaback, Paxful co-founder, said.
Paxful’s platform has been used by over 400,000 globally, and offers 300+ payment methods. Paypal, Western Union, Amazon Gift Cards, and iTunes Gift Cards are among the most popular methods.
Last month, the company announced a bitcoin-based affiliate contest that will last until February 10, 2017. Paxful promised to give away 10 bitcoin to affiliate referrers. Affiliates will be placed in a lottery just for trying to get Paxful referrals, and the top 3 will also get 1 BTC apiece. You will get more details about the contest here.
Taking strong interest in blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and IoT, Tatsiana Yablonskaya got deep understanding of the emerging techs believing in their potential to drive the future.