Meanwhile, Telegram has faced scrutiny on several fronts. The platform has been criticized for facilitating communication among groups engaged in illegal activities, leading to temporary bans in some countries.
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All content provided in Coinspeaker’s sto Calendar is for your general information only. It does not constitute financial, legal or any other form of advice. Any use of or reliance on the content provided is solely at your own risk and discretion. Investing is a high-risk activity that can lead to major losses, therefore, please consult your financial advisor before making any decision. No content in the sto Calendar is meant to be a solicitation or offer
Meanwhile, Telegram has faced scrutiny on several fronts. The platform has been criticized for facilitating communication among groups engaged in illegal activities, leading to temporary bans in some countries.
Binance has introduced a pre-market spot trading service, allowing users to trade actual tokens before their official listing on the spot market.
MicroStrategy is the largest corporate Bitcoin holder, owning 1.2% of Bitcoin’s 21 million supply, with a vision to evolve into a Bitcoin-focused merchant bank.