Life is all about interaction, exploring the unexplorable and connecting to people and places regardless of time and space. Modern technologies like VR, AI, and holograms are revolutionizing the human experience with their capabilities, although one of the ultimate desires of mankind is to vividly see places that are out of their reach.
The unique value proposition of the telepresence platform’s Ubiatar new project -UbiatarPlay, is to become a human empowerment network, where individuals embody Avatars to provide a service, and people at home (Usars) can enjoy real-life experiences, such as visiting museums at the other end of the world, attending concerts and visiting cities without being physically present.
A Human Empowerment Network Powered by Blockchain
UbiatarPlay will be a cloud-based, peer-to-peer system that uses Amazon Web Service data centers. At the core of the user experience provided by Avatars lies modern mobile technologies, high-quality bi-dimensional video and audio streaming, as well as the recently released UbiatarPlay patent pending technology: the Graphical User Interface (GUI).
The system puts Usars in full control of their Avatars through their smartphone’s camera. To bring the experience even closer to real life, an Avatar’s camera can be linked to a VR system with a special camera attached. The end result could be a 360-degree video streaming of a concert, museum, or landscape.
One of UbiatarPlay’s objectives is to reduce unemployment rates on a global scale. By switching on the Blockchain, the platform will leverage the perks implied (e.g. transparency, scalability, low cost transactions) to enable everyone to become an Avatar, and make extra income. UbiatarPlay is partially decentralized. The project will issue smart contracts on the Ethereum network, and all transactions between Avatars and Usars will be made in UbiatarPlay tokens (UACs).
The UbiatarPlay Utility Token
The reason UbiatarPlay has chosen to issue its very own utility token is mainly connected to the high exchange fees and lengthy transactions when dealing with different currencies. With the help of Blockchain technology, users will have a Ubiatar wallet for receiving and storing their coins. Later on, they can withdraw their coins in their preferred fiat currency via a credit card.
Storing UAC coins in a UbiatarPlay wallet unlocks several added benefits on the platform, such as:
- Priority visualization to allow Usars to view Avatar profiles before making a final selection;
- Special colors for Avatars to help them display their offers as clearly as possible on the platform;
- Stickers to boost your ranking on UbiatarPlay and stand out;
- Booster feature to increase your level and appear more trustworthy to potential Usars.
The benefits of the platform’s utility token go beyond exchanging services. For example, a Usar from Sydney may want to connect with an Avatar in the U.S. to help with the purchase of a physical object. After viewing the item live through the Avatar’s smartphone camera/VR device, the Usar decides to buy it. In this scenario, the Usar sends UAC tokens (the equivalent in U.S. dollars, plus shipping fees) to the Avatar’s wallet to make the purchase. Following this step, the Avatar ships the item to Sydney and receives UAC tokens for his contribution.
UbiatarPlay has its ICO scheduled for May 9, 2018. With an MVP already live and working on the Ubiatar service, the team has raised $6,800 ETH in the pre-ICO. The project’s hard cap is estimated at $30 mln, and following the successful completion of the ICO, UbiatarPlay will continue to perfect and develop its platform throughout the third quarter of 2018.