Toshiba Claims Its New Algorithm Is Faster Than Any Supercomputer Ever Made

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by Tolu Ajiboye · 3 min read
Toshiba Claims Its New Algorithm Is Faster Than Any Supercomputer Ever Made
Photo: Toshiba USA / Instagram

According to Toshiba, its newly-developed algorithm will perform calculations much faster than any supercomputer that exists today.

Japanese multinational conglomerate Toshiba Corp. claims that it currently has a new algorithm that makes computing faster than available options. According to the company, the technology is much faster than any supercomputer anywhere.

The Toshiba Algorithm

Toshiba says that the new technology is not a quantum computer. However, it was specifically created to operate with the underlying methods a quantum computer employs. Quantum computers, however, have a setback – there aren’t a lot of use-cases for their application. Also, quantum computers cost a little too much to build and also maintain. This is because they need to be constantly kept in near absolute zero temperature to function properly.

What makes Toshiba’s technology better is that these constraints are not applicable. Called the “Simulated Bifurcation Algorithm”, the technology can be used to do more than seemingly impossible calculations. It also doesn’t require special parts to build and can be hosted anywhere. According to a senior research scientist at Toshiba’s Computer & Network System Laboratory Kosuke Tatsumura, “you can just plug it into a server and run it at room temperature.”

Possible Real-World Application of Toshiba’s Technology

Unsurprisingly, mixed reactions have trailed Toshiba’s claims. While there are a lot of people who are impressed and somewhat excited, others are not. Many people and corporations in Tokyo and around the world as well, are quite skeptical.

Regardless of the skepticism, Toshiba is pushing forward. The company wants to prove that the algorithm has real-world applications. Toshiba is now seeking partnerships to help prove the algorithm’s usefulness. Toshiba Chief Executive Officer Nobuaki Kurumatani believes that this would be possible.

“Finance is the most familiar application. But there are so many uses. This is a technology with real potential.”

Finance, however, seems to be the most ready use for such a powerful algorithm. Toshiba has already brought in finance experts to consult on the technology. If all works out fine, March 2021 will see a real-world trial.

With technology like this, it’s very easy to see why it could easily become a favorite among finance companies. These companies could easily get an edge, especially in decision-making,  from settling mathematical calculations in no time,

Toshiba has also said that arbitrage opportunities using its Simulated Bifurcation Algorithm could be mouth-watering. Technology like that will easily calculate arbitrage in no time at all.

Also. outside of finance, there could be other opportunities. The company says that the health sector could use technology like this in breaking down and calculating ingredients in manufacturing. Logistics could also get a boost from super-fast design and map routes.

In its quest for dominance, Toshiba has acquired mask writer company Nuflare Technology Inc. The company now has 5,450,695 shares of Nuflare after paying11,900 yen per share. The price was interestingly less than Hoya Corp.’s offering of 12,900 yen.

Quantum Technology Is Here

In January 2019, IBM revealed its Q System One quantum computer, adding that it will be available for commercial use. This was a huge announcement because the commercialization of quantum computing was not a very popular notion.

Months later, Google announced its Quantum Supremacy claiming that it had technology much faster than anything else ever seen.

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