2015 Turing Award Winner Whitfield Diffie Joins Cortex Labs | Coinspeaker

2015 Turing Award Winner Whitfield Diffie Joins Cortex Labs

Polina Chernykh By Polina Chernykh Updated 3 min read
2015 Turing Award Winner Whitfield Diffie Joins Cortex Labs
Bailey Whitfield 'Whit' Diffie (center) is an American cryptographer and one of the pioneers of public-key cryptography along with Martin Hellman and Ralph Merkle. Photo: Cortex Labs / Twitter

After partnering with Cortex Labs, a renowned scientist in the sphere of cybersecurity, Whitfield Diffie, will take part in developing their blockchain project.

Cryptic Labs, led by cryptography pioneer Whitfield Diffie, has signed a cooperation agreement with Cortex Labs to assist the startup in the development of the Cortex project. Under the deal, Diffie, who is a well-known cryptologist and an inventor of public-key cryptography, is joining the team as an academic advisor.

In 2015, Diffie became a winner of the Turing Award, one of the most prestigious awards in the sphere of computer science also known as the Nobel Prize of computing. Together with Martin Edward Hellman, Diffie won the award for the paper on encryption and digital security issued more than 40 years ago.

Cortex Labs’ CEO, Ziqi Chen, and CTO Weiyang Wang met with Professor Diffie at Stanford University, where the team presented the Cortex Virtual Machine’s potential applications of artificial intelligence, face/fingerprint security authentication, and how encryption technology can ensure data model security.

Impressed by the project, Diffie agreed to help the Cortex team, whose solution became one of the first of two projects to partner with Cryptic Labs among hundreds of other project applications. As an academic advisor, the professor will participate in in-depth discussions with the Cortex team, and conduct research to solve the technical issues of the project.

Cortex is a blockchain AI project that wants to develop decentralized AI (artificial intelligence) autonomous systems and achieve consensus on AI models on the blockchain. The startup’s goal is to offer machine-learning models on the blockchain that enable users to infer with smart contracts on the Cortex blockchain. With their machine-learning platform, users will be able to post tasks on the platform as well as submit AI Decentralized Applications.

The team behind Cortex can boast an extensive experience in the AI and blockchain sector and a proficiency in consensus algorithms and public chain ecosystem, including mining pools, digital wallets, and building mining software.

The Cortex CEO, Ziqi Chen, who is also a co-founder of Waterhole.io, studied machine learning and different algorithmic applications, such as the Go algorithm, during his early learning experience with Professor David P. Helmbold.

The CTO, Weiyang Wang, learned mathematics-based machine learning from Peter McCullagh, who received the COPSS Presidents’ Award in 1990. Moreover, Wang is a winner of a silver model (top 1% in the world) in Kaggle competition. After preparing numerous papers and creating modals in the sector of deep learning, he played a major role in introducing the four projects, including OCR, Migration Learning, Human Face, and Distributed Computing, into the Awesome MXNet boutique projects.

Polina Chernykh

Polina is an undergraduate student at Belarusian State Economic University (BSEU) where she is studying at the faculty of International Business Communication for a degree specializing in Intercultural Communication. In her spare time she enjoys drawing, music and travelling.

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