21 Inc Rebrands Its Social Network Into Earn.com, Plans to Launch Tokens without an ICO | Coinspeaker

21 Inc Rebrands Its Social Network Into Earn.com, Plans to Launch Tokens without an ICO

21 Inc rebranded its social network into Earn.com aimed to earn digital money online.

Svetlana Rud By Svetlana Rud Updated 3 mins read
21 Inc Rebrands Its Social Network Into Earn.com, Plans to Launch Tokens without an ICO
Photo: Earn

21 Inc rebranded its social network into Earn.com. 21 Inc is a bitcoin startup, based in Silicon Valley, California.

Primary 21 Inc was aimed to provide its users mining chips that can be integrated into any device with access to Internet. The startup changed direction of its operation step by step, and rebranding showed that cryptocurrency could be used in social network.

Moreover, the main advantage and peculiarity of Earn.com is opportunity for users to earn money online. It can considered as “practical application of blockchain technology”.

According to the company’s blog post, “the idea behind Earn.com is that we’ve built a positive-sum social network, where every notification is an opportunity to earn money. This is quite different from existing social networks, where notifications are often distracting or even downright negative.”

Earn.com includes two types of accounts: users and senders. In order to become a user, it is necessary to create a public profile or to join lists in order to receive paid messages, or to “use an autoresponder to get people outside your network to pay for email replies”.

Earn.com ensures that senders can mail mass messages, and reply is more likely as recipients receive paid messages. “Empirically, we find that Earn.com senders get response rates >30% within 24 hours for $1 incentives, and >70% within 24 hours given $10 incentives.”

Today, only Bitcoin can be earned in Earn.com. However, Earn.com team states that they will create opportunity to earn any digital currency, beginning with a new token without an ICO.

The first step for such rebranding was made by 21 Inc in the beginning of 2017. 21 Inc. announced the 21 profile, a spam-proof replacement for a public email address and a simple way to monetize the internet presence.

21 Inc. created a new system to identify the importance of messages.  Rather than putting recent messages first, the company put the most valuable messages in the inbox first. It gave possibility to respond to the most important messages first.

Later in May 2017, 21 Inc announced new service, called Lists, aimed to earn bitcoins by completing specific tasks. “21.co lists provide a way for the average individual to make money online. You need not be famous; you need only join lists of people with similar to start receiving targeted, paid microtasks,” CEO of 21 Balaji Srinivasan said.

It should be added that all profiles and list URLs from 21.co will be redirected to their analogs at Earn.com, and support and corporate emails of 21.co will continue to work.

Svetlana Rud
Author Svetlana Rud

Svetlana Rud has been working as a freelance writer , with experience gained at several media outlets around the world.