Julia is an experienced content writer. She works with various topics and business domains, including but not limited to blockchain, cryptocurrencies, AI, and software development. Her articles are regularly featured on reputable news websites and IT business portals. Currently, Julia is the Editor-in-Chief at Coinspeaker.
Giga Watt has taken a decision to follow a new strategy aimed to attract remote customers and to improve the company’s performance.
Having faced some challenges on its way to growth and development, Giga Watt, a full-service specialized compute power provider that offers such services as equipment sales, maintenance, repair, and private blockchain servicing, is bringing some changes to its strategy. The changes are aimed at expanding opportunities of its customers and strengthening its positions on the market.
Despite the fact that the crypto industry is experiencing slowing rates, Giga Watt is not going to lose its positions. Vice versa, it has an aim not only to survive but to expand its client base and to increase its profits.
Now the company is planning to focus on smaller facilities known as Giga Pods which is aimed at engaging remote customers. Though the company has built a number of mining facilities, it has realized that using of monolithic data centers is not always feasible and appropriate for computing.
That’s why Giga Watt team has designed a new solution to offer. This solution is called Giga Pods, which represent themselves prefabricated wood-frame structures. They are approximately 12 by 48 feet in size and are able to accommodate any type of computing equipment.
Each Pod is equipped with hundreds of high-speed servers and can potentially produce nearly 14 Bitcoin per month. Thanks to this solution, it is possible to avoid active cooling consumption and save power for high-efficiency computing.
Giga Watt views its Giga Pods as a mining solution for major B2B customers. At the current moment, given the present market conditions, the company has a goal to focus on large miners instead of those who are just entering the industry.
Moreover, Giga Pods can be widely used by customers who are seeking for transaction-based high-performance computer services as, for example, rendering medicine. It is also important to mention that the company has some plans to organize sales of its Giga Pods to remote customers.
According to Dave Carlson, Giga Watt co-founder, shareholder, who previously served as the company’s CEO but left his post for personal reasons, Giga Pods let the company not just to attract a more corporate type of a customer to its Washington state series of locations but also to reach customers in remote locations that are looking for a proven solution for their sites.
This year the mining business of Giga Watt is slowing but the company is not going to give up. Speaking about the current situation, Giga Watt’s managing director, George Turner, said:
“The truth is that we are in trouble, but we are not done fighting to make things right for our clients. We have a very lean, skilled team in place, and we have a workable plan to take care of our clients while making the company profitable. In the interim, we hope that our clients will stand by us, as we strive to satisfy all of our obligations.”
It has become known that the company is going to review its service pricing with a view to get over the growing gap between fixed costs and the falling profitability of crypto-mining. Moreover, its plans to offer some discounts to its WTT token holders and maintain their token leasing rights.