December 24th, 2021 at 1:12 pm UTC · 2 mins read
Following its policy of continuous improvement,, one of the fastest-growing instant crypto swap platforms, has increased its number of supported cryptocurrencies. Now, you can swap more than 350 digital coins and tokens on this platform. As a result, LetsExchange enabled its users to choose from more than 100,000 crypto pairs for fast and secure swaps.
This development aims to meet the demand of crypto traders and investors that seek to diversify their crypto holdings without compromising their privacy and the security of their assets. LetsExchange is committed to offering instant crypto swaps without registration or KYC procedures. Traders and investors can choose between fixed and floating rates to maximize profits according to their trading strategy. With a non-custodial service, this platform ensures the safe handling of users’ crypto funds.
Launched in early 2021, the LetsExchange platform initially supported around 200 cryptocurrencies. It managed to nearly double its range of listed coins and tokens in less than a year. LetsExchange also regularly updates its platform to add new features that make exchanging crypto a seamless and effortless process.
In the same vein, LetsExchange has now additionally streamlined the exchange process on its platform. This platform supports multiple networks for many coins. Due to recently updated network indicators, it’s now easier for users to navigate through all the networks and choose the preferred ones.
With a newly-added mistake prevention system, it’s impossible to initiate an exchange if the user made an obvious mistake in the exchange details or entered an amount below the limit. LetsExchange does not impose any upper limits on the amount of crypto swapped on the platform. However, lower limits are in place to prevent users from incurring losses when the network fees will account for a significant part of the total exchange amount.
The improvements described above increase the features that have made LetsExchange one of the leading instant exchanges globally. The platform’s team has announced its plans to further enhance its set of features and supported cryptocurrencies in 2022. is an instant multi-currency exchange service free of registration, limits, and complications. With hassle-free access, a user-friendly interface, and fast automated transactions, LetsExchange saves users’ time at each step of the exchange process to help them get the most out of every crypto swap.
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