Seeking to become a world leader in smart body analytics DYNO has designed a mobile-first system that empowers users to reach their individual fitness goals more effectively.
Nowadays sedentary lifestyle together with unbalanced diet can become a reason for serious health problems such as obesity and diabetes that are rife among many people, but an advanced technology level has rapidly developed a cure for these diseases, thus eventually making modern sportsmen faster, stronger and healthier than ever before.
Genetics absolutely plays a pivotal role in athletic performance. No amount of knowledge about health and fitness can turn you into a transcendent athlete like LeBron James. However, if everybody had access to the same information that LeBron has in terms of nutrition, fitness, and longevity, it’s safe to say that the global population could be a lot healthier.
Nevertheless, hardly everyone who wishes to improve their physical performance have an access to such tools and mentors, simply because they are not able to afford luxurious fitness services, as it is a financial burden to most. This is where digital and technological services come in to aid in the process of informing the average person how to get healthier in an easy way.
Being on the verge of a big data revolution, it’s about time for more of that data to be used to make us healthier rather than merely to target advertisements towards us. And there is certainly a market for it, as self-optimization of one’s physical abilities is becoming increasingly more important to people worldwide. The figures show estimated revenue of 80 billion U.S. dollars the global health and fitness industry brought in 2017.
The pioneer of health-tech industry DYNO breaks new ground by developing the first blockchain-based marketplace for sports and metabolic data. It represents an innovative company offering a best-in-class metabolism and analytical device called DYNOSTICS. The device helps athletes and general persons to take their performance to higher levels, collecting data and analyzing it to deliver custom strategies that help people reach their health and fitness goals.
DYNOSTICS works as a mobile-first system that determines a user’s data just in a few minutes and at a fraction of the cost of existing methods by analyzing metabolic data captured through a breathing unit and performance data through a pulse belt.
The breathing unit is an oxygen mask, comprised of an array of sensors that ensures that a constant flow of air is drawn from the breathing unit and measures the volume of air that passes through it. An arm device pumps the air, receives the data from the pulse belt and breathing unit, and sends it to our cloud via bluetooth. The data is then interpreted by our algorithm in real time and rendered in a digestible format on the DYNOSTICS device.
Owing to the Blockchain technology, DYNOSTICS bring together data owners and data purchasers. The users are able to monetize their fitness and metabolic data and maintain their privacy at the same time. With the user’s approval and by paying them a fee, universities, insurance companies, medical professionals, sports and fitness companies, and other clinical researches get these kinds of highly-precise and verifiable data sets in order to conduct studies and develop new theories and health-tech solutions. Previous to the introduction of DYNOSTICS, it was an impossible deal even in terms of centralized marketplaces, as there are simply no devices that can record this kind of performance and metabolic data.
In the DYNO marketplace, users receive DYNO tokens – an ERC20 token traded on the Ethereum blockchain – in exchange for their data. Excitingly, it will even be possible for individuals to earn extra DYNO by participating in researcher-directed studies. That should lead to increased participation in such studies, accelerating the rate of innovation in the health and fitness industry.
The DYNOSTICS device is such a breakthrough it’s already been adopted by hundreds of fitness clubs, sports teams, and corporate partners around the world. From now on, all Red Bull athletes who get diagnosed at the Red Bull Headquarter of training and health will do so with the DYNOSTICS device
According to the recent announcement, DYNOSTICS will enable the facility to run extremely efficient fitness and metabolic tests. Red Bull athletes will benefit greatly from its highly precise metabolic analysis, and the DYNOSTICS recommendations should help them improve their general health and performance.
Sofiko is a freelance fintech copywriter at Coinspeaker.
With a Bachelor degree in International Business and Economics, Sofiko has been deepening her knowledge of an agile innovative industry primary focusing on the robust blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. As a bank employee, Sofiko particularly keens on crypto and blockchain integration into the established banking systems.