$SPRAY: Is It Just Another Fun or Potentially Lucrative Investment?

UTC by Andy Watson · 4 min read
$SPRAY: Is It Just Another Fun or Potentially Lucrative Investment?
Photo: $SPRAY / Twitter

Spraytoken’s focus on the long term is evidenced by the decision to choose the Ethereum blockchain.

Every day dozens of tokens appear on the cryptocurrency market, but in fact 99% of them have no value. Investing money in them is like throwing them in the trash.

Is $SPRAY just another unnecessary fun or a potentially lucrative investment that could yield millions of dollars in just a couple of years?

Bloggers Talk about $SPRAY

Projects and their tokens that no one wants and are completely uninteresting are ignored by bloggers. Spraytoken is clearly not one of those. Renowned blogger Trevor Laird interviewed one of the founders of the project, asking a few questions, and here’s what he was able to find out:

“We decided not to create another copy of well-known altcoins, trying to differentiate ourselves from other coins, to create something unique”.

This is perfectly visible even when you first look at the project’s website. If you pay attention to the main color, you can see that in the top 50 cryptocurrencies by capitalization this color is very rare.

A teaser from another famous blogger Vosk about Spray has also been posted and can be found on Spray’s Twitter. Many expect him to review this project soon and share his opinion.

Maximum Open to Users

According to the founder of Spraytoken, the leaders of most modern projects are too closed themselves and give users very little information:

“We are not like that. We do not hide anything and always talk openly to our users. We don’t talk about low risk, because the cryptocurrency industry in general is high-risk. We always stand for honesty to our users”.

Not Another Dogecoin

$SPRAY is a memcoin, but there was no talk of copying Dogecoin.

“When we talk about memecoins, everyone immediately thinks of the shiba inu dog. The success of Dogecoin does lead to many people copying this project almost 100%. We took a different route. After all, when you copy any project, you are not copying its success and you are not guaranteed anything,” says the team.

Any copy, even if it becomes successful, that success is only in the short term. In order to come to the cryptocurrency market and stay here for a long time, you need to create a completely unique project, which will be backed by an equally unique token, such as $SPRAY.

Come to Stay

Spraytoken’s focus on the long term is evidenced by the decision to choose the Ethereum blockchain. The project’s creator has honestly admitted that he only sees a real long-term future in the etheric blockchain. This project chooses innovation as its foundation for development, and in this, they are similar to Ethereum. Any updates of Ethereum are made as quickly and successfully as possible, and that is why the creators of Spraytoken consider Ethereum to be the key to the successful future of their project.

Can We Trust This Project?

The website of the project describes all the information in detail and honestly, there is a roadmap, all the necessary information about the team plus other important data that shows the openness of the project to its users.

In addition, the well-known auditor Hacken conducted an audit of the project’s smart contracts and confirmed – everything is absolutely clean and honest. Thus, we can conclude that the project can be trusted and potentially the purchase of tokens can bring good profits to investors. However, even the creators of the project themselves admit that the cryptocurrency industry is risky, and no one will give any guarantees of the profitability of any investment.


The creators of the project do not forget about helping those in need. They are collecting donations to save polar bears. Donations are collected on the wallet listed on the website and when they reach $1,000 are transferred to Polar Bear International with mandatory reports of each transfer.

Elon Musk Isn’t the Only One Who Can Send … to the Moon

Despite the fact that the project fences itself off from Dogecoin, here we couldn’t help but think of Elon Musk, who is so fond of the meme. The creators of the project plan to send their tokens to the moon. Into outer space. And to do it physically. A great goal with very good prospects.

How to Invest Your Money to Buy a Token?

Today the only way to buy project tokens is the Uniswap exchange, but in the future the creators promise to add new ways of acquiring these tokens.


$SPRAY is not another trash token that has no future. Spraytoken.net has a clear goal, community support, and a budget to promote it.

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