Four Greatest DApps for Investing in Ethereum, Bitcoin, Qtum, and Many More

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by Andy Watson · 3 min read
Four Greatest DApps for Investing in Ethereum, Bitcoin, Qtum, and Many More
Photo: George Espinosa / Flickr

In this guest post Michael Kordvani shares his list of top-four DApps for investing, ideal for all levels of investors and blockchain developers: from novice to expert ones.

There is good news in the cryptocurrency investing world: there are investment dApps for all levels of investors and blockchain developers from the genuine beginner to the master. And, these are the four greatest digital coin investment dApps of them all.

Bitcoin Checker: Track and Trade All Cryptocurrencies and Altcoins

The only downside to Bitcoin Checker is a superficial one: its name. A blockchain developer or crypto investor could be forgiven for assuming that this dApp only deals with Bitcoin as its name suggests. But that is wrong, very wrong.

Bitcoin Checker is a dApp that actually gives trading and tracking access to (nearly) every cryptocurrency and altcoin on the planet. It also is hooked up to 80 plus digital coin exchanges from all around the world. This dApp is an amazingly powerful tool that allows to find and make the best trades at the best times. (Google Play and Apple App Store)     

Coinbase: Investment dApp for Four of The Greatest Digital Coins

Coinbase is the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world. Since Coinbase is indeed the easiest way to buy digital coins, it is the perfect starting point for anyone who wants to invest in blockchain technology. If you are a genuine blockchain developer, a would-be crypto tycoon, or someone just starting to whet your digital coin whistle, Coinbase can be a great investment dApp.   

Available in more than 30 nations, Coinbase really stands out thanks to its easy-to-use interface and high number of users protecting the liquidity of the cryptos you have in Coinbase profile or wallet. However, there are some downsides to Coinbase. First off, it is now reporting users who trade more than $20,000 to the IRS. Next, it offers a limited selection of cryptocurrencies (as of this writing, they are: Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Ethereum). And, Coinbase connects to only one cryptocurrency exchange.

Blockfolio: Powerful Cryptocurrency Management dApp Tracks 2000+ Coins

I love Blockfolio because it does both the micro and the macro. Truly a dream to any blockchain developer or investor who gives it a try, Blockfolio gives you real-time insight into both your individual digital coin investments and your crypto portfolio as a whole. And, considering that Blockfolio tracks more than 2,000 cryptocurrencies along and converts them into just about every major Fiat Currency on the planet, you can be assured that it will scratch wherever you itch.  

Finally, the Blockfolio dApp has an embedded news reader that brings you digital coin and blockchain news as it breaks. Yep, there is lots for blockchain developers and investors to dig about this investment dApp. However, the downside to this dApp is that it is not really a trading app, though it does connect to more than 30 cryptocurrency exchanges for tracking purposes.   

Evercoin: Simple, Fast Trading of 20 Top Digital Coins

What I most like about Evercoin is that it is a fast and easy to use cryptocurrency investment dApp. What I do not like is that Evercoin is linked to just one cryptocurrency exchange.

However, if you are a blockchain developer or investor who is just getting started, Evercoin may be your best dApp since it offers Bitcoin, Ripple, Ethereum, Litecoin, Qtum, Dogecoin, and 14 other established digital coins. For many blockchain developers and investors, this is all they could ever need.

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